Aligning Business Services with Production Services: The Case of REA and ISA-95


“Industrie 4.0” aims at flexible production networks that require horizontal integration across companies. Evidently, any production related information exchanged in the network must be vertically forwarded to the corresponding service endpoints of the local production system. Accordingly, there is a need to align information that flows between companies and within each company. The Resource-Event-Agent (REA) business ontology describes a metamodel for internal business activities (e.g., production) and for inter-organizational exchange constellations on the enterprise resource planning (ERP) level. ISA-95 is a series of standards targeting the integration of enterprise control systems on the interface between ERP systems and manufacturing execution systems. Consequently, we align elements of REA and ISA-95 and define conversion rules for the transformation of elements from one system to the other. By interleaving the semantics of both standards, we formally strengthen the links between the services of the business level and the production level, and support multi-system adaptation in flexible production environments.

Talk: 10th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2017), Kanazawa; 11-22-2017 - 11-25-2017; in: “Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications”, IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS), (2017), ISBN: 978-1-5386-1326-9; 9 - 17
Bernhard Wally
Christian Huemer
Christian Huemer
Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec.
Alexandra Mazak
Projektass. Dipl.-Ing. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.techn.