A PDA Based System for Clinical Studies


Nowadays, clinical studies are often performed with the help of paper based diaries which are kept by the patient or paper based forms which are completed by the physician during the patient interview. When using a paper based form for data collection there are several main problems [1, 2]: Errors when transcribing; Inability to validate the input data; Loss of recorded data due to loss or damaging of the physical medium (e.g. a sheet or diary). Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) based applications for medical care speed up the collection of data at the point of care and ensure data quality and consistency [2, 3, 4, 5]. We developed a PDA based system for collecting data at the point of care. For supporting different kinds of studies, we allow the interface to be generated dynamically based on the requirements of each study. The collected data is then synchronized onto a central server with suitable backup strategies to prevent loss of data.

Talk: 1st IEEE-AMA Medical Technology Conference on Individualized Healthcare, Washington, USA; 03-21-2010 - 03-23-2010; in: “Proceedings of the 1st IEEE-AMA Medical Technology Conference on Individualized Healthcare”, (2010), 1 pages
Thomas Grechenig
Thomas Grechenig
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.