Public Private Interoperability

The research studio Public Private Interoperability (PPI) develops methods and tools targeting the inter-organizational integration of enterprises and organizations of the public sector. Service-oriented architectures and their implementation by Web Services are the current state-of-the-art technologies for this kind of integration problems. However, Web Services are agnostic toward the structure of the information / documents being exchanged. The studio PPI focuses on the exchanged business documents and considers a model-driven approach for the definition of the interfaces. The resulting method and a corresponding tool set have to provide a mix between re-usable document building blocks and business context specific adaptation of business documents. The method must not be limited to a single business document standard language or business document ontology. PPI delivers concepts for the platform-independent definition of business documents as well as for the transformation between different business document standards / ontologies. Evidently, PPI integrates existing, well accepted business document standards, like UBL 2.0, into its prototypical implementation of a tool set. The re-engineering of existing business document standards will reduce time and costs in the development of new business interoperability interfaces and will allow the platform-specific transformation between business document standards.


01.10.2008 - 30.11.2011


Funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under project number 818639.


Philipp Liegl
Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec.
Christian Huemer
Christian Huemer
Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec.
Christian Pichler
Dipl.-Ing. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.techn.