
Stellenangebote im Rahmen von eInformatics@Austria MOOC

*Hilf uns, einen innovativen und spannenden MOOC für Objektorientierte Modellierung zu gestalten und leiste einen herzeigbaren Beitrag für eine bessere Ausbildung von künftigen Generationen von Software- und Systementwickler*innen!

Former BIG member, Prof. Manuel Wimmer, about Low-Code Development in Oe1

Former BIG member, Prof. Manuel Wimmer, talks about Low-Code Development in radio.

IEEE Blockchain 2020 Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Dr. Jürgen Cito for his Best Paper Award “Characterizing Efficiency Optimizations in Solidity Smart Contracts” at IEEE Blockchain 2020.

ER Forum 2020 Best Paper Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Bork for his awarded paper Towards a Multi-Objective Modularization Approach for Entity-Relationship Models

This was the Virtual ER 2020!

Have a look at the updated ER’2020 conference program, which now incorporates all videos and slides that were provided by the authors as well as video recordings of all four keynotes!

This week: ER 2020 - 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Nov. 3-6, 2020!

BIG is organizing ER 2020 with the overarching theme on Digital Transformation. further information

Congratulations for receiving the Best Distance Learning Award 2020...

…to our team members Jürgen Cito and Michael Schröder! Jürgen and Michael have particularly successful converted the lecture Web Engineering into distance learning in SS2020! Article on TU Wien Informatics website

Welcome to our new team member Dr. Dominik Bork!

Contact info: Dr. Dominik Bork Interview on Faculty’s website

Guest Lecture by Erik Wittern, IBM

Speaker: Dr. Erik Wittern Title: Client-Server Communication in GraphQL Host: Jürgen Cito May 18th, 2020, 1 p.m. ct. Technische Universität Wien Online Guest Lecture for Web Engineering

JKU Corona Update

Daily at 14.00, live on YouTube, researchers discuss the current situation from a health, scientific, technological, social, economic and legal perspective. On April 3rd, with our former colleague Manuel Wimmer. Link to livestream