Business Informatics Group

The Business Informatics Group (BIG) is a research unit of the Institute of Information Systems Engineering at TU Wien Informatics. Given its name, the research unit focuses on business informatics that integrates theory and methods of information systems and computer science. In particular, BIG works on those information technology aspects that have a significant effect on the way organizations do their business.

Thereby, BIG addresses the gap between the business strategy on why/what to do and the information technology aspect on how to do it in the digital age. The current research areas of BIG cover model-driven engineering, data engineering, process engineering, enterprise engineering, and industrial engineering.

© Henderik A. Proper


Open Student Assistent Positions

The Business Informatics Research group is looking for student assistants (Studentische Mitarbeiter_innen) in different topics involving amongst others: the development of domain models for sustainable development goals (SDGs) in a manufacturing context,  the creation of smart and web-based modelling environments, pairing rule-based AI and machine-learning based AI with web-based platforms, to support modellers in their modelling tasks.

TU Wien students participate in the second International DEMO Summer School in Bucarest

TU Wien students participated in the second Summer School of the Erasmus+ project DEMO that was held in Bucharest, Romania from July 15 to July 19. Five TU Wien students Sebastian Zib, Martin Peutz, and Tobias Jordan, accompanied by the project manager at BIG, Assistant Professor Dominik Bork participated in the summer school of the Erasmus+ project DEMO - Digital Platform Enterprise in Bucharest.

TU Wien students participate in the first International DEMO Summer School in Bucarest

TU Wien students participated in the first Summer School of the Erasmus+ project DEMO that was held in Bucharest, Romania from July 17 to July 21. Five TU Wien students Bernhard Cerncic, Nikolaus Fröhlich, Simone Andreetto, Tobias Gacko, and Martin Kowarik, accompanied by the project manager at BIG, Assistant Professor Dominik Bork participated in the summer school of the Erasmus+ project DEMO - Digital Platform Enterprise in Bucharest.




Gerti Kappel Mag.a techn.




Christian Huemer

Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.rer.soc.oec.


Christiane Floyd phil.


Dominik Bork

Assistant Prof. Dipl.-Wirtsch.Inf.Univ. Dr.rer.pol.


Henderik Proper



Thomas Grechenig

Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.



Galina Paskaleva


Marion Murzek

Senior Lecturer Mag.a rer.soc.oec. rer.soc.oec.


Marion Scholz

Senior Lecturer Mag.a rer.soc.oec.


Michael Schröder

Projektass. Dipl.-Ing.

Visiting Scientists


Johanna Barzen

Visiting Scientist Dr. phil.



Haydar Metin

Univ.Lektor Dipl.-Ing.




DEMO - Digital Platform Enterprise

During the last two decades the biggest business transformation was that digitalisation has enabled new forms of collaboration and value-provision by transiting from individual enterprises to digital platform enterprises. Resources are harnessed by opening the platform enterprise boundaries and providing an innovation space for third-parties to create add-on offerings as well as through the exploitation of network effects.

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An Enabler for Real-time Business Intelligence

The dynamic business environment of many organizations require to monitor their business, IT and organizational processes in real-time in order to proactively respond to exceptions and to take advantage of time-sensitive business opportunities.

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Vienna Informatics Living Lab

Mit dem Vienna Informatics Living Lab macht die Fakultät für Informatik einen Brückenschlag zu Schulen und baut ab Herbst 2018 ein systematisches Angebot auf: Schulklassen und Lehrpersonen können an kostenfreien, didaktisch abgestimmten Workshops zu aktuellen und vielfältigen Informatikthemen teilnehmen.

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Web of Needs INfrastructure

Der wirtschaftlich genutzte Teil des World Wide Web leidet an einer fundamentalen Asymmetrie. Während eine große Zahl an kommerziellen Angeboten online verfügbar ist, sind die Bedürfnisse der KonsumentInnen nur in seltenen Fällen explizit repräsentiert.

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Women’s Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies

WIT stands for Women’s Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies (WIT), and is the only programme of its kind in Austria. WIT is a five-year programme and gets financed by the Austrian government and the European Union.

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V-Code Hot Code Reload Extended

Das Ziel des Projektes ist es, ein Konzept zur partiellen Aktualisierung von QML (Qt Modeling Language) Programmen zur Laufzeit auszuarbeiten, welches es ermöglicht, QML Programminstanzen während der Laufzeit entsprechend der Programmänderungen zu aktualisieren.

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End-User Driven Web Augmentation Models

Immersed in social and mobile Web, users are expecting personalized browsing experiences, based on their needs, goals, and preferences. This may be complex since the users’ Web navigation usually implies several (related) Web applications.

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End-User Based Web Augmentation Models

Immersed in social and mobile Web, users are expecting personalized browsing experiences, based on their needs, goals, and preferences. This may be complex since the users’ Web navigation usually implies several (related) Web applications.

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A Framework for Model Transformations on Petri Nets in Color

Model transformations play an important role in software engineering in general and in the area of model-driven engineering in particular, representing the key mechanisms for model translations (e.g., translating an ER model into a UML class model), model augmentations (e.

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Creating a Data Mart for Floating Car Data

With the number of vehicles, both private and commercial, in urban areas steadily increasing, accurate traffic information becomes an increasingly important commodity A change in transport policy, e.g., increased use of public transport and efficient inter-modal transport, will only have a medium to long-term effect on improving the traffic situations in inner-city areas.

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A Generic White-Box Testing Framework for Model Transformations

Model transformations are crucial for the success of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), comparable in role and importance to compilers for programming languages, allowing to transform models between languages and abstraction levels, e.

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TheHiddenU – A Social Nexus for Privacy-Assured Personalisation Brokerage

Social networks on the Web have seen enormous growth over the past few years reaching now truly widespread adoption. Since every social network is focused on serving specific human needs, social networkers are present in a number of different networks, leading to scattered social content.

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Rail track gauging Austrian Federal Railways

The project SWITCH09 aims at capturing the processes of rail track gauging at the Austrian Federal Railways in a formalized manner. The captured process model facilitates the communication of existing processes between different departments and may be used to detect bottle-necks in the current process flow.

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Mandantenfähiges ERP System in der Cloud: Ein modellgetriebener Ansatz auf Basis der Resource-Event-Agent Ontologie

Cloud Computing führte in den letzten fünf Jahren zu einem Paradigmenwechsel in der IT-Branche. Über die Cloud werden Rechenkapazität, Datenspeicher, Netzwerkkapazitäten oder auch fertige Software zur Verfügung gestellt. In diesem Projekt adressieren wir die letztere Variante von cloud-basierten Lösungen, welche auch als Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) bekannt ist.

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Public Private Interoperability

The research studio Public Private Interoperability (PPI) develops methods and tools targeting the inter-organizational integration of enterprises and organizations of the public sector. Service-oriented architectures and their implementation by Web Services are the current state-of-the-art technologies for this kind of integration problems.

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Model Execution based on fUML

In model-driven development models are considered as the key artifacts and, as a result, the success of the whole development process relies on these models and their quality. Consequently, there is an urgent need for adequate methods to ensure high quality of models.

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Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems

Truly complex, designed systems, known as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), are emerging that integrate physical, software, and network aspects. To date, no unifying theory nor systematic design methods, techniques and tools exist for such systems.

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A Semantic Infrastructure for Model-based Tool Integration

With the rise of model-driven software development, more and more development tasks are being performed on models. A rich variety of modeling tools is available supporting different tasks, such as model creation, model simulation, model checking, and code generation.

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Metainformation im modellbasierten Variantenmanagement

Das Forschungsvorhaben umfasst eine Konzeptentwicklung, sowie die Leistung von Vorabeiten für ein prototypisches Entwicklungsvorhaben, mit dem Ziel technologische und ökonomische Aspekte im modellbasierten Variantenmanagement aufzuzeigen. Dabei sollen neben dem modellbasierten Variantenmanagement auch die Validierung von Varianten und die Annotation von Metainformationen (Gewicht, Stromverbrauch, Kosten) in Modellvarianten untersucht, sowie erste Ideen für eine technologische Umsetzung des erkannten Potenzials skizziert werden.

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Model-Based Adaptation Engineering in Automation Systems Engineering

Model-Based Adaptation Engineering (MAE) in Automation Systems Engineering (ASE) (MAE4ASE) is a module of the Christian Doppler Laboratory on Software Engineering Integration for Flexible Automation Systems. It addresses the upcoming need of ASE to raise the level of flexibility of automation systems even further in order to better react to changing environments.

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Language Engineering for Analyzable Executable DSMLs

The project LEA-xDSML (Language Engineering for Analyzable Executable Domain-Specific Modeling Languages) resides in the context of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), which proposes the use of domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) to reduce the complexity associated with the development of complex software-intensive systems, as, for instance, found in the automation domain, production domain, and automotive domain.

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Training the Next Generation of Experts in Scalable Low-Code Engineering Platforms

EU project Term 01.01.2019 - 28.02.2019 Funding founded by EU, grant number 813884

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InteGra 4.0 - Horizontal and Vertical Interface Integration 4.0

InteGra 4.0 focuses on the horizontal integration throughout value chains as well as on the vertical integration of networked production systems as identified by the German working committee for Industrie 4.

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Research Studio Inter-Organisational Systems

Term 01.10.2008 - 31.12.2014 Funding BMWF Partner More information: Research Studio Inter-Organisational Systems

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Formalizing and Managing Evolution in Model-Driven Engineering

Like traditional program code, software models are not resistant to change, but evolve over time by undergoing continuous extensions, corrections, and modifications. In model-driven engineering (MDE), evolution is multidimensional leading to the model management tasks of synchronization, versioning, and co-evolution.

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E-business Registry Permitting Enterprise Liaisons

The project ERPEL targets at an e-business registry serving as a backbone for executing on-the-fly e-business transactions between semantically enabled ERP systems. By on-the-fly e-business transactions we understand transactions that are conducted between companies, which are not yet in a partnership and dynamically find each other in order to engage in e-business transactions.

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Design and Realization of Know-How Transfer for electronic Billing based on ebInterface

The definition of the Austrian e-Billing Standard ebInterface was successfully conducted by well-known ERP system vendors under the lead ot the TU Vienna. The project ebInvoice resulted in the implementation of the ebInterface standard in their ERP systems.

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ebInterface 3.0 - electronic invoicing

The Austrian e-billing standard ebInterface has been supported by major Austrian ERP-vendors. Thus, the XML-based ebInterface standard may be used in Austria to exchange invoices by electronic means. However, the critical mass of adopters has not yet been reached, which limits the full potential of electronic e-billing in Austria.

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ebInterface 2012 - electronic invoicing

Am nationalen eBilling Standard ebInterface haben seit dem Jahr 2004 namhafte ERP-Hersteller mitgewirkt und dieser besteht derzeit in der Version 4.0. Im Rahmen von ebInterface 4.0 sind erstmals auch domänenspezifische Erweiterungen vorgesehen, die eine Einbindung von zusätzlichen, vom Kernstandard unabhängigen Elementen erlauben.

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ebInterface 2013 - electronic invoicing

Term 01.01.2013 - 28.02.2014 Partner Am nationalen eBilling Standard ebInterface haben seit dem Jahr 2004 namhafte ERP-Hersteller mitgewirkt und dieser besteht derzeit in der Version 4.0.

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ebInterface 2010 - electronic invoicing

The Austrian e-billing standard ebInterface has been supported by major Austrian ERP-vendors. Thus, the XML-based ebInterface standard may be used in Austria to exchange invoices by electronic means. New expertise in daily use led to new standard requirements which should be taken into account.

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ebInterface 2011 - electronic invoicing

The Austrian e-billing standard ebInterface has been supported by major Austrian ERP-vendors. Because of ongoing market changes the new version ebInterface 4.0 shall be realised. The corresponding XSLT has to be adapted for Web-Browsers.

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Doctoral College “Cyber Physical Production Systems”

The Doctoral College „Cyber-Physical Production Systems“ aims at further positioning TU Wien with TUWin4.0 as the leading research institute in Austria in this domain and to help to position the university as one of the highest ranked European research institutes in this highly relevant area.

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ebCrossborder - crossborder e-Billing in Austria

A large number of Austrian ERP-companies already endorsed the ebInterface standardfor e-Billing. The goal of the ebCrossBorder project is to establish a broader use of the standard not only by Austrian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) but also on an international level.

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Doctoral College “Adaptive Distributed Systems”

The Doctoral College „Adaptive Distributed Systems“ intends to work on the challenging questions of today’s distributed computer systems by bringing together experts from various fields of computer science, mathematics and statistics, thus, fostering a multidisciplinary approach.

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Innovationslehrgang zur Gestaltung der Digitalen Transformation in der Produktentwicklung und Produktion (DigiTrans 4.0)

Qualifizierungsziel ist es, die Unternehmen in ihrer Gesamtheit in das Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0 zu führen. Dazu haben sich die Lehrenden fakultätsübergreifend vernetzt, um im Sinne einer Integration von Fachabteilung, Business-IT und Produktions-IT und zur Vernetzung sämtlicher Informationsströme entlang der Wertschöpfungskette unterrichten zu können.

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Collaborative Configuration Systems Integration and Modeling

The goal of the project COSIMO is to build up a portfolio configurator platform for leveraging tool integration for railway automation systems and, in general, for production systems at Siemens. The core of this framework comprehensively bases on model-driven concepts and semantic system’s techniques.

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Model-driven Development and Evolution of Semantic Infrastructures

The main goal of DARWIN is to provide an extensible framework based on well-established conceptual modeling languages and model-driven engineering techniques enabling developers to entirely develop and evolve SIs at an appropriate level of abstraction.

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COMBINE – Concurrent Multi-Viewpoint Building Information Modeling

The processes in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) and Facility Management (FM) industries are iterative – components are created, revised or discarded. There are many stakeholders with a multitude of domain-specific requirements and tools – for calculation, information visualisation and exchange, using a variety of standards (e.

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Configuration and Operation data optimization using Data Analytics

Die industrienahe Dissertation CODA adressiert innovative, wichtige Forschungsfragen um aus den Laufzeitdaten (Betriebsdaten) und den Entwicklungszeitdaten (Konfigurationsdaten) einer Anlage Optimierungen für Betrieb und Systemkonfiguration abzuleiten. Die Resultate von CODA sind neue Methoden und Algorithmen vorwiegend aus dem Bereich Data Analytics, die anhand von realen Daten aus dem Anwendungsgebiet Bahnautomatisierung evaluiert werden.

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Business Semantics on top of Process Technology

The BSopt project will deliver an integrated methodology for inter-organizational systems spanning from business models over business process models to their execution in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Integrating business processes into a SOA is certainly a hot topic.

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Christian Doppler Laboratory for Model-Integrated Smart Production

Production systems are becoming more and more software-intensive, thus turning into cyber-physical production systems (CPPS). This is also highlighted and reflected by Industrie 4.0, which is seen as the next industrial revolution.

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Adaptable Model Versioning

The development of complex software systems requires appropriate abstraction mechanisms in terms of model-driven engineering techniques (MDE) and proper support for allowing developers to work in parallel in terms of version control systems (VCS).

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Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy SofTware

Successful software has to evolve to keep it compatible and up to date. Up to 90% of software cost is spent on maintenance and of this 75% is spent on the development of new features for staying competitive.

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Towards Systematic and Efficient Language Engineering for xDSMLs

Domain-specific modeling languages are increasingly being developed to continuously leverage the domain-specific expertise of the various stakeholders involved in the development of complex software-intensive system as, for instance, found in the automation, production, and automotive domains.

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Admina is the short female form of system administrator. The project offered by the Women’s Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies provides a number of hands-on practical experience system administation workshops, created and held by women exclusively for women.

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Kooperation im Rahmen des COMET-K1-Zentrums Digitale Produktion

The manufacturing processes of the future need to be highly flexible and dynamic in order to satisfy customer demands for, e.g., large series production, mass customization, or changing orders. The organisations are also changing and manufacturing companies are not only part of sequential, long-term supply chains, but also part of (potentially) extensive manufacturing networks which require agile collaboration between partners.

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Hybrid Domain-specific Language User EXperience

HybriDLUX entwickelt neuartige Techniken und Werkzeuge zur hybriden, kollaborativen Modellierung und zum modellbasierten Debugging in hybriden Modellen, zwei Techniken, die als kritisch für die Einführung von modellbasierter Softwareentwicklung identifiziert wurden. Diese Techniken und Werkzeuge werden außerdem speziell für domänenspezifische Softwaresprachen, die von AVL im Anwendungsgebiet der Fahrzeugmess- und – prüftechnik evaluiert werden, implementiert und anhand einer erweiterten und verbesserten Version des im vorangegangenen DLUX Projekts entwickelten Evaluierungsrahmenwerks hinsichtlich Benutzerfreundlichkeit evaluiert.

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IFC-Roundtrip und Plangrafiken

Das Forschungsprojekt betrifft zusammengefasst die Erarbeitung einer IFC-RoundTrip-Datenübertragungstechologie. Das Forschungsziel liegt insbesondere in der Entwicklung einer Lösung für den softwareübergreifenden Datenaustausch digitaler Gebäudemodelle mit dem Format IFC Industry Foundation Classes und die Ableitung der erforderlichen Plangrafiken.

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CPS/IoT Ecosystem

CPS/IoT Ecosystem is a joint initiative under „Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel (HRSM)“ national funding platform administered by Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a concept that unifies all computer driven systems interacting closely with their physical environment.

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(2022). DT4GITM - A Vision for a Framework for Digital Twin enabled IT Governance.

in: “55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS´22)", issued by: HICSS ScholarSpace and AIS eLibrary; AIS, 2022, ISBN: 978-0-9981331-5-7, 6626 - 6635.


(2022). Rethinking Model Representation - A Taxonomy of Advanced Information Visualization in Conceptual Modeling.

accepted for publication in: “Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling”, issued by: Springer; Springer LNCS, Cham, 2022.


(2022). Towards Interoperable Metamodeling Platforms: The Case of Bridging ADOxx and EMF.

in: “Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 34th International Conference, CAiSE 2022, Leuven, Belgium, June 6-10, 2022, Proceedings”, issued by: Xavier Franch, Geert Poels, Frederik Gailly, Monique Snoeck; Springer, Switzerland, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-031-07472-1, 479 - 497.

